Apple blocked Telegram’s new animated emoji set

Since Apple opened the App Store, both large and small developers have had their applications delayed or removed due to Apple’s vetting procedure. According to firm CEO Pavel Durov, the popular messaging application Telegram is merely the most recent.

Durov announced on his Telegram channel on August 10 that the app’s most recent update had been blocked in Apple’s review process for two weeks without any explanation from the corporation.

The update was ultimately released Tuesday, as reported by The Verge, and Durov once again came to Telegram to clarify what transpired. Apple instructed Telegram to remove a new feature dubbed Telemoji, which CEO Pavel Durov characterised as “better quality vector-animated versions of the conventional emoji.” He provided a glimpse of how they would appear in his post; they are comparable to Apple’s basic emoji set, but with some nice animations that could help make communicating a bit more expressive.

Despite this, the most recent Telegram update includes numerous emoji-related enhancements. The firm has announced the creation of a “open emoji platform” where anyone may upload their own collection of emoji for usage by Telegram’s premium service subscribers.

Even if you are not a premium member, you will still be able to view and test the customised emoji in “saved messages” such as reminders and notes. The custom emoji can also be interactive; tapping on them will result in a full-screen animated response.

The panel for stickers, GIFs, and emojis has been revamped with tabs for each of these reaction categories to facilitate access. This makes the iOS keyboard compatible with the Android app and the Telegram website.

You may also decide who can send you video and voice messages: everyone, contacts, or no one. As with its other privacy settings, Telegram emphasises that you may specify “exceptions” so that certain groups or individuals can “always” or “never” send you audio or video communications. The new update, minus Telemoji, is currently available.

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